Monday, September 30, 2019

Why Do Ads Target Children?

Why do Ads Target Children? Have you ever been in an isle of a store and heard, but mom I really want this I saw it on television? This is a product of advertising. Since the late 1980’s children have emerged as a key demographic to marketers. Advertisements selling everything from the latest video game to the newest automobile are now targeted to the youth of our world. Children have buying power that sways their parents’ purchases, and they are the future consumer. Marketing to children is creating the children’s ability to nag a parent into purchases. Nagging or â€Å"Pester Power† is the most used strategy in the market today. The theory behind this is rather than going straight to the parent, give the child the buying power. Children are much more persuasive in the middle of a shopping trip than that commercial the parent heard two hours ago. Children often get their â€Å"wants† based on their persistence of needing a product. If someone asks you whether you want a Coke or Pepsi, you immediately know you're being asked about a carbonated cola beverage — with distinct yet subtle differences between the two. Which ever brand you choose, Coke or Pepsi shows that somewhere along the line you developed a preference for that product. In Advertising it is called product loyalty. Marketers use Repetition of products children have no current use for such as a Ford Truck to build brand recognition in hopes that as an adult they will buy that Ford verses the Chevrolet. It also works with things such as Cake mixes. A child watches the Betty Crocker cake mix ad, nags the parent into buying and using the product. Then in turn buys the product as an adult based on their experience as a child. The Market has seen a new angle to encourage children to buy brand X over the competitor’s product. Many schools have lost funding due to our economic downfall. So advertisers such as Campbell’s soup have come up with campaigns such as â€Å"Labels for Education†. Basically you buy their product. Send in the label and earn stuff for your school. This gives both children and parents a creditable reason for buying the product. Corporations are also gaining access to advertise in public schools in exchange for materials. Frito Lay will sponsor events in schools in exchange for tagging their logo n flyers advertising the event. Children are easily influenced by things they see. Nine times out of ten a child will pick the cereal with Hannah Montana on the box over the box that she’s not on. Since the days of radio children have been introduced to the idea that if I want to be a star I should eat the same cereals that the stars’ eats. The use of role mode ls and celebrities to influence children is used everywhere. If it is meant for the use or consumption of a child you will most likely find a celebrity attached to it. On average there are three televisions and one computer in every home. So it is no wonder how advertising can reach so many children. Just a child sitting down to do some school researches can be inundated with hundreds of advertisements in an hour’s time. A half hour television special contains at the least 10 minutes of commercials. Just about everywhere you look someone is trying to sell something. Although, children have no direct income of their own we often overlook their buying power. In today’s busy world parents have tendency to buy more to satisfy their children. From candy bars to flat screens never underestimate the buying power of a whining child.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Detailed Overview Of Space Shuttles Engineering Essay

aˆ? Space birds are recoverable ballistic capsule designed to be used as a launch vehicle for Earth-orbiting experiments and as a short-run research platform. Earlier projectiles were used for puting spacemans and equipments in the outer infinite. But projectiles could be used merely one time i.e. they were non reclaimable. The thought of reclaimable â€Å" infinite bird † that could be launched like projectile and made to come in the Earth ‘s ambiance like an aeroplane appealed NASA. It began planing and measuring cost of infinite bird. Finally, after many old ages of building and testing, the bird was ready to wing and the dream became truth. As we will cognize in inside informations. A ) Definition: 1 ) Etymology: â€Å" infinite bird † consists of 2 words: Space: Space ( n. ) : Century1300, â€Å" an country, extent, sweep, oversight of clip, † aphetic of Old French espace, A fromA Classical Latin spatiumA † room, country, distance, stretch of clip, † of unknown beginning. Astronomic sense of â€Å" leading deepnesss † is foremost recorded 1667 in â€Å" Paradise Lost. † â€Å" Space is n't remote at all. It ‘s merely an hr ‘s thrust off if your auto could travel consecutive upwards. † [ Sir Fred Hoyle, â€Å" London Observer, † 1979 ] Space ( v. ) : 1703, â€Å" to set up at set intervals, † fromA spaceA ( n. ) . Meaning â€Å" to be in a province of drug-induced euphory † is recorded from 1968.A Space cadetA † bizarre individual disconnected with world † ( frequently connoting an familiarity with hallucinogenic drugs ) is a 1960s phrase, likely traceable to 1950s United States sci-fi telecasting plan â€Å" Tom Corbett, Space Cadet, † which was watched by many kids who dreamed of turning up to be one and succeeded. Shuttlecock: Shuttle ( n. ) : Old English scytelA † a dart, pointer, † from West Germanic skutilaz ( Old Norse skutillA † harpoon † ) from Proto-Germanic skut-A † undertaking † . The weaving instrument so called ( 1338 ) from being â€Å" shooting † across the togss. In some other linguistic communications, the machine takes its name from its resemblance to a boat ( Classical Latin navicula, Gallic navette, German weberschiff ) . Sense of â€Å" train that runs back and Forth † is foremost recorded 1895, from image of the weaver ‘s instrument ‘s back-and-forth motion over the deflection ; extended to aircraft 1942, to spacecraft 1969. Hence alsoA shuttlecockA ( 1522 ) . Shuttle ( v. ) : 1550, â€Å" move quickly to and fro, † fromA shuttleA ( n. ) ; sense of â€Å" conveyance via a shuttle service † is recorded from 1930.2 ) Definition:There are many definitions for â€Å" infinite bird † :â€Å" a rocket-launched ballistic capsule able to set down like an unpowered aircraft, used for journeys between Earth and trade revolving the Earth. †Ã¢â‚¬Å" A reclaimable ballistic capsule with wings for controlled descent in the ambiance, designed to transport spacemans between Earth and an orbiting infinite station and besides used to deploy and recover orbiters. †Ã¢â‚¬Å" A infinite transit system ( STS ) developed by NASA. Consisting of a reclaimable, winged satellite ( what most people think of as the â€Å" Space Shuttle † ) , a set of recoverable supporter projectiles, and a fuel armored combat vehicle. †B ) What is infinite bird?We can state it is any vehicle capable of going repeatedly between the Earth â⠂¬Ëœs surface and outer infinite transporting people or lading ; Any vehicle capable of repeatedly going between finishs in outer infinite transporting people or lading1 ) Space trade:It is a trade or machine designed for space travel. Spacecraft are used for a assortment of intents, including communications, earth observation, weather forecasting, pilotage, planetal geographic expedition and infinite touristry. Spacecraft and infinite travel are common subjects in plants of scientific discipline fiction.a ) Space bird:The Space Shuttle, portion of the Space Transportation System ( STS ) , and it is the chief portion of this trade, Space Shuttle on NASA ‘s America, which is officially called Space Transportation System ( STS ) , is the ballistic capsule is used by the Government of the United States manned infinite flight, is scheduled to be withdrawn from service in 2010. At launch, the shuttle consists of: * External fuel armored combat vehicle is orange in colour. A * Rockets to force two solid-fuel, thin white supremacists and the SRB. * The satellite, which is a vehicle similar to the aircraft wing, which represents the infinite bird can transport heavy equipment into infinite, every bit good as transporting orbiter launched into infinite. The bird can be transferred spacemans to outer infinite and convey them back to Earth with a warhead of up to 32 dozenss of unreal orbiters and worlds and equipment. One of the chief advantages of this vehicle is that it is reclaimable vehicle.B ) Satellite:A orbiter is an object which has been placed into orbit by human enterprise. Such objects are sometimes called unreal orbiters to separate them from natural orbiters such as the Moon. The first unreal orbiter, Sputnik 1, was launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. By 2010 1000s of orbiters have been launched into orbit around the Earth. These originate from more than 50 states and have used the orbiter establishing capablenesss of 10 states. A few hundred orbiters are presently operational, whereas 1000s of fresh orbiters and orbiter fragments orbit the Earth as infinite dust. A few infinite investigations have been placed into orbit around other organic structures and go unreal orbiters to the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Satellites are used for a big figure of intents. Common types include military and civilian Earth observation orbiters, communications orbiters, pilotage orbiters, conditions orbiters, and research orbiters. Space Stationss and human ballistic capsule in orbit are besides orbiters. Satellite orbits vary greatly, depending on the intent of the orbiter, and are classified in a figure of ways. Well-known ( overlapping ) categories include low Earth orbit, polar orbit, and geostationary orbit. Satellites are normally semi-independent computing machine controlled systems. Satellite subsystems attend many undertakings, such as power coevals, thermic control, telemetry, attitude control and orbit Celsius ) Rockets:A projectile or projectile vehicle is a missile, ballistic capsule, aircraft or other vehicle which obtains push by chuck outing a jet of fast traveling fluid from a projectile engine. The action of the fluid against the interior of burning Chamberss and enlargement noses is able to speed up the fluid to highly high velocity, and this exerts a big reactive push on the projectile ( an equal and opposite reaction harmonizing to Newton ‘s 3rd jurisprudence ) .Rockets, in military and recreational utilizations, day of the month back to at least the thirteenth century. Significant scientific, interplanetary and industrial usage did non happen until the twentieth century, when rocketry was the enabling engineering of the Space Age, including puting pe s on the Moon. Rockets are used for pyrotechnics, arms, expulsion seats, launch vehicles for unreal orbiters, human space travel and geographic expedition of other planets. While relatively inefficient for low velocity usage, they are really lightweight and powerful, capable of bring forthing big accelerations and of achieving highly high velocities with sensible efficiency. Chemical projectiles are the most common type of projectile and they typically create their fumes by the burning of projectile propellent. Chemical projectiles store a big sum of energy in an easily-released signifier, and can be really unsafe. However, careful design, proving, building and usage minimizes hazards.vitamin D ) Automatons:Robot of the infinite is a mechanical device able to transport out operations of pre-programmed and command the public presentation are normally hard and unsafe Activities such as seeking for revelation of the ambiance and gaining control images of infinite, infinite land and the universe of mod ern engineering serves.after a batch of the design of the technology, applied scientists succeeded in doing a automaton can swim in infinite. The automaton has unreal intelligence and have the ability to acknowledge Patterns, place systems, concluding and decision with the development.They can travel, talk and have ability to gaining control and transportation of objects. the head of automaton transportation the computing machine signal to information, it can transport them out, so change over them to computing machine once more it has ability to change over audio signals are captured by a mike to a group of written words that the automaton understood and stored in a package of automaton that can analysis and simulation to understand natural linguistic communication.C ) Use:1 ) Advantages of infinite birds:infinite bird has ability to research the infinite by traveling spacemans to the surface of Moon to profit their societies. Peoples have begun to cognize about infinite and astronomical intents.that have made it possible to detect mountains and craters on the Moon and planets Has proceeded so far more work forces on the Moon, and completed a broad scope of remote-controlled missions to the Moon and several planets. Discovered during the past 10 old ages entirely more than 150 planets outside our solar system. on planet of Earth, universe citizens have reaped tremendous benefits from infinite geographic expedition through infinite bird that support communicating, pilotage and meteoric systems, in add-on to other distant detection. And contributed to the engineering associated with infinite geographic expedition and scientific cognition had been gained in the industry of reckoners and robotic first-class public presentation, provinces are active in the field of infinite flight has been sent ballistic capsule mechanism other than worlds to all the planets in our solar system. We expect that humans walking on the Moon once more.The infinite bird encompass 11 infinite bird flights to infinite through scientific experiments conducted in the station, to better life on Earth and pave the manner for future infinite geographic expedition. the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and its secondary warhead, the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, from the United States. Involve all of those flights on some international cooperation.2 ) Disadvantages of infinite birds:Each infinite bird flight destroys 0.25 % of the ozone bed, the people in the remainder of the universe are now reasoning abou t the assorted theories that attempt to explicate the causes of the ozone hole, infinite bird flights destroy the ozone bed, The 300 flight of the bird will take to the devastation of the ozone bed wholly and so infinite bird missions, which releases immense measures of toxic chemicals in every second from the minute of launch, the usage of liquid-fuel engine cleansing agent in the missiles because they are more expensive than the dry-fuel engines. In add-on, there is besides the hazard of Damage on the land, if debris re-entry into Earth ‘s ambiance.II ) HistoryA ) Space history1 ) Space theories:Galileo Galilei ( 1564- 1642 ) is a physicist and uranologist who was born in Pisa, Italy. Galileo made a large part in the field of uranology. Galileo made the first complete astronomical telescope, discovered that the Moon is dark but it is reflecting with a reflected visible radiation from the Sun, he discovered that the surface of the Moon is n't level, it has uneven mountains, h e besides discovered that the Milky Way consist of many separate stars. Galileo discovered the four largest orbiters of Jupiter in 1610, he studied the egg-shaped form of Saturn but his telescope restriction stopped him from the resolution of Saturn ‘s rings. He besides discovered the stages of Venus, the musca volitanss on the Sun and he confirmed his credence of the Copernican theory of the solar system2 ) The dream became true:The development of big liquid-fueled projectile engines in the first of the twentieth century allowed the dream of researching the outer infinite to go true. Physical infinite geographic expedition happened through both human space travels and robotic ballistic capsules. Space geographic expedition helped in progressing scientific research, unifying many states, developing military advantages, and guaranting the future endurance of humanity.B ) Detecting SpaceDuring the World War II, German scientists took the first stairss into the outer infinite while proving theV2 projectile, the V2 projectile became the first human-mad e object in infinite. After the war, German scientists began to do projectiles in plans for military and civilian research. The cosmic radiation experiment which was launched by the U.S. on a V2 projectile in 1946 was the first scientific geographic expedition. In the same twelvemonth the first images of Earth was taken. In 1947, the first carnal experiment was achieved by raising fruit flies into infinite on a modified V2 projectile that was launched by Americans. But these experiments merely made a really short clip in infinite which was n't utile plenty. There was a infinite race between the Soviet Union and the United provinces. The Soviet Sputnik Satellite mission in 1957 was the first successful orbital launch, it went around the Earth at a tallness of 250 kilometer. It had two wireless senders which made bleeps that could be heard by wirelesss around the Earth. The wireless signals analysis was used to garner information about the negatron denseness of the ionosphere. Two months subsequently, the American infinite plan unsuccessfully tried to establish Vanguard 1 into orbit. In 1958, the U.S. successfully launched Explorer 1 on a Juno projectile, while the Soviet Canis familiaris Laika became the first animate being in the infinite in 1957. In 1961, Vostok 1 which carried the 27 old ages old Russian Yuri Gagarin, was the first successful human space travel. The ballistic capsule orbited the universe in 1 hr and 48 proceedingss. It was a presentation of the advanced Soviet infinite plan. Yuri Gagarin After one month, the U.S. launched a individual into infinite in Mercury-Redstone 3, John Glenn ‘s Mercury-Atlas 6. The first adult female in the infinite was Valentina Tereshkova who orbited the Earth 48 times in 1963. 48 old ages after Vostok 6, China launched Yang Liwei in Shenzhou 5 ballistic capsule.C ) Space Shuttle DevelopmentNear the terminal of the Apollo infinite plan, NASA functionaries were looking to the American infinite plan ‘s hereafter. They were utilizing one-shot, disposable projectiles. They needed something that was cheaper than a projectile, possibly something that was reclaimable. They liked the thought of a reclaimable â€Å" infinite bird † that could establish like a projectile and land like an aeroplane, and they thought that it would be a proficient accomplishment. NASA and many aerospace companies began to plan, cost and applied scientist surveies on a infinite bird, they besides explored the constructs. In 1972, President Nixon announced that NASA would develop a reclaimable infinite bird or STS ( infinite transit system ) . NASA decided that the infinite bird would dwell of an satellite attached to a solid projectile supporters and an external fuel armored combat vehicle. By that clip, ballistic capsules used ablative heat shields that would fire away when the ballistic capsule re-enter the Earth ‘s ambiance, so, for the infinite bird to be reclaimable, they have to utilize a different scheme. The interior decorators of the infinite bird thought that they can cover the infinite bird with many insulating ceramic tiles that could absorb the heat of the infinite shuttle re-entry without harming the spacemans. The infinite bird was meant to wing like a plane, more like a sailplane during the landing. The interior decorators built a working satellite to prove the aerodynamic design, but it was n't built to travel into the outer infinite. That satellite was called the Enterprise after the â€Å" Star Trek † film spaceship. The Enterprise flew many flight and landing trials, where it was launched from a Boeing 747 and glided to a landing at Edwards Air Forse Base in California. Finally, after many old ages of building and proving including the satellite, chief engines, external fuel armored combat vehicle and solid projectile supporters, the bird was ready to wing and travel into the outer infinite. NASA made four birds which are â€Å" Columbia † , â€Å" Discovery † , â€Å" Atlantis † and â€Å" Challenger † .D ) Trips and Catastrophes:In 1981 was the first flight with a infinite bird â€Å" Colombia † . Astronauts â€Å" John Young † and â€Å" Robert Crippen † piloted the infinite bird Colombia. Colombia performed good and the other birds shortly made several successful flights. In 1986, the bird â€Å" Challenger † exploded in a flight and the whole crew was lost. NASA stopped the shuttle plan for several old ages, while the grounds of the Challenger catastrophe were unknown and being investigated. After many old ages, the infinite bird flew once more and NASA built a new bird â€Å" Endeavour † to replace â€Å" Challenger † the shuttle fleet. In 2003, while the shuttle â€Å" Colombia † was re-entering the Earth ‘s ambiance, it broke up over Texas, the United States. The loss of Colombia was because of a piece of foam insularity in the size of a briefcase broke off the infinite shuttle external armored combat vehicle under the aerodynamic forces of launch. The debris struck the taking border of the left wing, that damaged the bird ‘s TPS, which protect the bird from the heat of re-entering the Earth ‘s ambiance. NASA stopped the infinite bird plan after the accident and worked difficult to do some alterations and return the birds to wing once more. The exact words of the President George W. Bush were: â€Å" This twenty-four hours has brought awful intelligence and great unhappiness to our countryA †¦ The â€Å" Columbia † is lost ; there are no subsisters. † And he announced that the infinite plan would go on: â€Å" The cause in which they died will go on. Our journey into infinite will travel on. † In 2006, the bird â€Å" Discovery † lost froth from its external fuel armored combat vehicle. NASA stopped the infinite bird plan once more and the scientists struggled to work out the job. The â€Å" Discovery † was launched two times in 2006, the first clip was in July and once more in December, harmonizing to NASA, this launch was the most photographed shuttle mission in history. The â€Å" Atlantis † was launched in September 2006, after hold due to endure, a job with the fuel cell and a faulty detector reading. The infinite birds are a antic technological progress, but they are limited when it comes to how much warhead they can take into orbit. The birds are n't the heavy lift vehicles like the Saturn V or the Delta projectiles. The bird ca n't travel to high heights orbits or get away the gravitative field of the Earth to go to Mars or the Moon. NASA is presently researching and seeking a new constructs to establish vehicles which van travel to the Moon or Mars.The â€Å" Colombia † CrewIII ) How does infinite shuttle work?A ) Space bird theorySpace bird theory is about get rid of gravitation by acquiring on a velocity of the similar velocity to get away from the ambiance. It is a Complex to cognize how to raise the 4.5 million lb ( 2.05 million kilogram ) bird from the tablet to revolve ( 115 to 400 miles/185 to 643 kilometers ) above the Earth.B ) Taking off and set downingaˆ? Taking off: On the twenty-four hours of a launch, after the concluding clasp in the countdown at T minus 9 proceedingss, the Shuttle goes through its concluding readyings for launch, and the countdown is automatically controlled by the Ground Launch Sequencer ( GLS ) , package at the Launch Control Center, which stops the count if it senses a critical job with any of the Shuttle ‘s on-board systems. The GLS hands off the count to the Shuttle ‘s on-board computing machines at T minus 31 seconds, in a procedure called car sequence start. aˆ? Landing: When a mission is finished and the bird is midway around the universe from the set downing site ( Kennedy Space Center, Edwards Air Force Base ) , mission control gives the bid to come place, which prompts the crew to: 1-Close the lading bay doors. In most instances, they have been winging nose-first and upside down, so they so fire the RCS pushers to turn the satellite tail foremost. 2-Once the satellite is tail foremost, the crew fires the OMS engines to decelerate the satellite down and fall back to Earth ; it will take about 25 proceedingss before the bird reaches the upper ambiance. 3-During that clip, the crew fires the RCS pushers to flip the satellite over so that the underside of the satellite faces the ambiance ( about 40 grades ) and they are traveling nose foremost once more. 4-Finally, they burn left over fuel from the forward RCS as a safety safeguard because this country encounters the highest heat of re-entry.C ) Inside control:When we are speaking about the inside control we know instantly that the spaceman is a really of import individual to command the bird, and is a individual trained by a human space travel plan to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a ballistic capsule. While by and large reserved for professional infinite travellers.IV ) Space shuttle constituents:A ) Outside:1 ) Space Shuttle Tank:a ) External Tank:Is vehicle that contains two liquids are hydrogen fuel and O oxidant. During acclivity it supplies the fuel and oxidant under force per unit area to the three infinite bird chief engines, external armored combat vehicles have non been re-used. The ET is the anchor of the bird during launch, supplying strong support for fond regard with the SRBs ( solid projectile supporters ) and satellite. This armored combat vehicle connected to the satellite and the SRBs. Over the old ages, NASA has worked to cut down the weight of the ET to increase overall efficiency. LOX ( Liquid Oxygen Tank ) : is at the top of the ET ( external armored combat vehicle ) , its Length: ( 16.6A m ) – Diameter: ( 8.4A m ) . LH2 ( Liquid Hydrogen Tank ) : is at the underside of the external armored combat vehicle, The armored combat vehicle is constructed of four cylindrical barrel subdivisions, the barrel subdivisions are joined together by five major pealing frames, the LH2 armored combat vehicle has a volume of 53,488A three-dimensional pess ( 1,514.6A M3 ) . its Length: ( 29.6A m ) – Diameter: ( 8.4A m ) . ET thermic protection system: consists chiefly of sprayed-on froth insularity, Thermal isolators are required for liquid H armored combat vehicle fond regards to prevent the liquefaction of air on open metal, and to cut down heat flow into the liquid H. Development of the ETs thermic protection system has been so difficult consisted of a battery power beginning, a receiving system, aerials and munition.B ) Internal:it joins the LOX armored combat vehicle and the HL2 armored combat vehicle. The internal armored combat vehicle length is ( 6.9A m ) , diameter is ( 8.4A m )2 ) Two projectiles:Those are called SRBs ( Solid Rocket Booster ) used during the first two proceedingss of powered flight, SRBs provide the chief push to raise the bird off the up to an height of about 46A kilometers, the two SRBs carry the weight of the external armored combat vehicle and satellite and convey the weight burden, the SRBs are the largest solid-propellant motors of all time flown, each SRB weighs about 1,300,000 lbs at launch. SRBs constituents are: keep down stations, electrical power distribution, hydraulic power units, thrust vector control, rate gyro assemblies, and propellent.3 ) The organic structure:is the orbital ballistic capsule of the Space Shuttle plan, the satellite is a reclaimable winged â€Å" ballistic capsule † , the ballistic capsule can transport crews, the Orbiter looks like an aircraft with double-delta wings. The Orbiter ‘s crew cabin consists of three degrees: the flight deck, the mid-deck, and the public-service corporation country. The upper 1 is the flight deck which seats the pilot, with two mission specializers behind them. The mid-deck, which is below the flight deck, has three more seats for the remainder of the crew members, and the galley, lavatory, sleep locations, and storage cabinets besides on the mid-deck. The Thermal Protection System ( TPS ) covers the exterior of the Orbiter, protecting it from the cold soak of -121 A °C in infinite to the 1649 A °C heat. The satellite is made chiefly from aluminum metal, although the engine push construction is made from Ti metal. Its length: ( 37.24 m ) – tallness: ( 17.25 m ) – empty weight: ( 68,585 kilogram ) . The crew: ( 6-7 â€Å" Commander, Pilot, 4-5 Mission Specialists and/or Payload Specialists † , 2 â€Å" Commander and Pilot † for lower limit ) .V ) Manufacturing infinite birdVI ) Latest events:Finally allow us turn to the latest events of infinite birds and the latest intelligence, engineerings, trips aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦..A ) Latest intelligence:Discovery: In 19/4/2010 The infinite bird Discovery and its spacemans arrived back on Earth, A wrapping up a 15-day, 6 million-mile journey to the International Space Station, taking a rare flight way that carried them over America ‘s heartland.A Discovery commanding officer Alan Poindexter and pilot James Dutton guided the trade, set downing on Runway 33 at Kennedy Space Center around 9:08 ante meridiem ET.A The sky over NASA ‘s Florida landing strip cleared plenty at dawn to give Mission Control the assurance to convey the seven spacemans place. An hr before the scheduled 9:08 ante meridiem touchdown, commanding officer Poindexter and his copilot fired the braking projectiles and began their descent.A It was Discovery ‘s thirty-eighth flight and penultimate flight.A Atlantis: Atlantis bird has made 31 flights and now is being prepared for the following flight. Space shuttle Atlantis was moved to the launch tablet in 22/4/2010 inA readying for the STS-132 mission, targeted for launch May 14 at 2:19 p.m.B ) Latest engineerings:â€Å" Lockheed X-33 Launch Vehicle † A is the paradigm for the new infinite bird to be used by NASA in the twenty-first century. Developed a usage Field-Programmable-Gatearray ( FPGA ) utilizing the verilog linguistic communication for an Advanced Flight Experiment. When commanded, this FPGA reads informations from the Advanced Gyro, Accelerometers, and Temperature detectors, so transmits the information back to the flight computing machine. Through the usage of the raising organic structure form, composite liquid fuel armored combat vehicles, and the aerospike engine, A NASAA andA Lockheed MartinA hoped to prove wing a trade that would show the viability of aA single-stage-to-orbitA ( SSTO ) design. An SSTO trade would non necessitate external fuel armored combat vehicles or supporters to make low-earth orbit. Making off with the demand for â€Å" presenting † with launch vehicles, such as with the Shuttle and the Apollo projectiles, would take to an inherently more dependable and safer infinite launch vehicle. While the X-33 would non near airplane-like safety, the X-33 would try to show that 0.997 dependability, or 3 bad lucks out of 1,000 launches, which would be an order of magnitude more dependable than the Space Shuttle system, was accomplishable. The 15 planned experimental X-33 flights could merely get down this statistical rating.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Culture as an Important Facet of Society

A society without culture is as good as dead. Discuss. A society according to Thomas, L (1995:25) is defined as â€Å"a group of mutually interdependent people who have organized in such a way as to share a common culture and feeling of unity†. In other ways society consists of people, and culture consists of products that people create. Culture according to Giddens (2005:45) refers to â€Å"the pattern of human activity and the symbols, which give significance to this activity†. Culture is represented through the art, literature, costumes, customs and traditions of a community.Different cultures exist in different parts of the world. The natural environment greatly affects the lifestyle of the people of that region, thus shaping their culture. The diversity in the cultures around the world is also a result of the mindsets of people inhabiting different regions of the world. There are several components of human culture namely; symbols, language, values and beliefs, nor ms, and technology. Symbols are anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share a culture. The simplest most everyday things are symbols for examples a wave of the hand can be a friendly gesture of hello.However, if not done properly with all the fingers in the upright position it can be a rude gesture and a great sign of disrespect. The honking of a car horn is a symbol to grab someone's attention to their surroundings. Even something as common as a kiss is a symbol of love and caring. Language is a system of symbols that allows people to communicate with each other. Language can be words or sounds that are spoken or words that are written. For instance some people believe that dogs communicate with each other through barking, this may be their own language.Values are culturally defined standards by which people assess desirability, goodness, and beauty, and that serve as broad guidelines for social living. Beliefs are specific statements that people hold to be true. There are several examples of both that can be found by looking at the Christian religion. The Ten Commandments are a great source. â€Å"You shall have no other gods before me†, for Christians this statement is both a belief and a value. â€Å"Honor you father and mother† is a statement that Christians hold true and also one that they set their standards of living by.The other example of values and beliefs is â€Å"You shall not murder† a statement they stand by and live their lives by. Norms are rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members. One example of a norm is not cheating on a test, we all know this is wrong and should not be done at all cost. Technology is knowledge that people use to make a way of life in their surroundings, which is reflected by material culture an example of this is Plasma TV's you can simply hang these picture perfect TV's anywhere on the wall.It is true to say that no society exists witho ut culture because of the following facets that culture brings to society which are as follows: The cultural values of a community give it an identity of its own; a community gains a character and a personality of its own, because of the culture of its people. Culture is shared by the members of a community. It is learned and passed from the older generations to the newer ones. For an effective transfer of culture from one generation to another, it has to be translated into symbols. Language, art and religion serve as the symbolic means of transfer of cultural values between generations.Culture is a bond that ties the people of a region or community together; It is that one common bond, which brings the people of a community together. The customs and traditions that the people of a community follow, the festivals they celebrate, the kind of clothing they wear, the food they eat, and most importantly, the cultural values they adhere to, bind them together. Culture is seen as a system of social control, wherein people shape their standards and behavior; the cultural values form the founding principles of one's life. They influence one's principles and philosophies of life.They influence one's way of living and thus impact social life. Culture is the Treasury of Knowledge; culture provides knowledge, which is essential for the physical and intellectual existence of man. Birds and animals behave instinctively with environment. But man has greater intelligence and learning capacity. With the help of these, he has been able to adapt himself with environment or modify it to suit his convenience. Culture has made such an adaptation and modification possible and easier by providing man the necessary skills and knowledge.Culture preserves knowledge and helps its transmission from generation to generation through its means that is language helps not only the transmission of knowledge but also its preservation, accumulation and diffusion. On the contrary, animals do not h ave this advantage because culture does not exist at such human level. Culture Defines Situations; culture defines social situations for us. It not only defines but also conditions and determines what we eat and drink, we wear, when to laugh, weep, sleep, love to like friends with, what work we do, what god we worship, what knowledge we rely upon, what poetry we recite and so on.Culture Defines Attitudes, Values and Goods; attitudes refer to the tendency to feel and work out in certain ways. Values are the measure of goodness or desirability. Goods refer to the attainments, which our values define as worthy. It is the culture, which conditions our attitude towards various issues such as religion, morality, marriage, science, family planning, positions and so on. Our values concernsing private etc. are influenced by our culture. Our goals of winning the race, understanding others, attaining salvation, being obedient to elders and teachers, being loyal to husband, being patriotic etc. re all set forth by our culture. We are being socialized on these models. Culture Decides Our Career; whether we should become a politician or a social worker, a doctor, an engineer, a soldier, a farmer, a professor, an industrialist; a religious leader and so on is decided by our culture. What career we are likely to pursue is largely decided by our culture. Culture sets limitations on our choice to select different careers. Individuals may develop, modify or oppose the trends of their culture but they always live within its framework. Only a few can find outlet on the culture.Culture Provides Behavior Pattern; Culture directs and confines the behavior of an individual. Culture assigns goals and provides means for achieving them. It rewards noble works and punishes the ignoble ones. It assigns him status. We see dream, aspire, work, strive to marry, enjoy according to the cultural expectation. Culture not only contains but also liberates human energy and activities. Man indeed is a prisoner of his culture. Culture Provides Personality; Culture exercises a great influence on the development of personality. No child can get human qualities in the absence of a cultural environment.Culture prepares man for group life and provides him the design of living. It is the culture that provides opportunities for the development of personality and sets limits on its growth. As Ruth Benedict has pointed out every culture will provide its special type or types of personality. Culture Makes Man a Human Being; It is culture that makes the human, a man, regulates his conduct and prepares him for group life. It provides to him a complete design for living. It teaches him what type of food he should take and in what mariner, how he should over himself and behave with his fellows, how he should speak with the people and how he should co-operate or compete with others. An individual abstained from culture is less than human; he is what we call feral, man. The individual to be tru ly human must participate in cultural stream without it he would have been forced to find his own way, which would mean a loss of energy in satisfying his elementary needs. Culture Provides Solution for Complicated Situation; culture provides man with a set of behavior even for complicated situation.It has so thoroughly influenced that often he does not require any external force to keep himself in conformity with the social requirements. His action becomes automatic. Forming queues when there is rush at the booking window or driving left in the busy streets. In the absence of culture, he should have been baffled even at the simplest situations. He need not go through painful trial and error learning to know what food can be taken without poisoning himself and fellow. His culture directs and confines his behavior, limits his goals and measures his reward.His culture gets into his mind and shutters vision so that he sees what is supposed to see in dream what he is expected to dream a nd hunger for what he is trained to hunger. Culture Provides Traditional Interpretations to Certain Situation; through culture men gets traditional interpretation for many situations according to which he determines his behavior. If a cat crosses his way, he postpones his journey. It may however be noted that these traditional interpretation differ from culture to culture. Among some culture owl is regarded as a symbol of wisdom and not a symbol of idiocy.Culture Keeps Social Relationship Intact; culture has importance not only for man but also for the group. Had there been no culture there would have been no group life. Culture is the design and the prescription for guiding values and ideals. By regulating the behavior of the people and satisfying, the primary drives pertaining to hunger and sex it has been able to maintain group life. Culture has provided a number of checks upon irrational conduct and suggestibility culture aids such as in schooling or scientific training. Lessen the chances that a man will behave irrationally or irresponsibility.The members of group characterized though they be by consciousness of kind, at once competing. They are held in line by constraints prescribed by culture. Culture Broadens the Out Looks of the Individual; culture has given a new vision to individual by providing him a set of rules for co-operation of the individuals. He thinks not only his own self but also of the others. Culture teaches him to think himself a part of the larger whole, it provides him with the concept of family, state, nation and class and make responsible the cooperation and division of labor.Culture Creates New Needs; Culture also creates new needs and new drives, for example, thirst for knowledge and arranges for the satisfaction. In conclusion culture and society are co-existent one does not or cannot exist without the other, culture and society may have some common elements but the two are not the same they are not identical the essential diffe rence is that society is composed of people while culture consists of knowledge, ideas, customs, traditions, folkways, mores, skills, institutions, organizations and artifacts.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leadership - Assignment Example Groups and Teams The requirement for this heading stipulates drawing from one’s knowledge of group dynamics and performance, to provide an explanation why this sub-section may be ineffective. The course module focusing on lesson 3: groups and teams distinguish between an effective and ineffective group by indicating that â€Å"effective groups are able to grow through each stage of development, whereas ineffective groups can get stuck in the forming, norming or storming stages† (Lesson 3, 5). From the observation of members composing the sub-section, it can be clearly deduced that these members have not been formed together; meaning, their membership in the sub-section occurs at different points in time. One member, Rhea Nordheimer, the computer programmer, has been with the section for 10 years, while Jasmine Sangrina’s appointment as an RMS clerk is her first posting and relatively new. The supervisor, Pierre Dalicaster, is also an old-timer, having had 30 year s experience in the service. The differences in entry point to the group has been a crucial factor in contributing to diversity in personal and professional goals that ultimately lead to missing tasks and project deadlines. As such, the problems manifested indicate inefficiencies in the performing state, apparently burdened with â€Å"distractions or dysfunctional interpersonal conflict† (Lesson 3, 5) and dysfunctional personal and professional goals. Further the performing factors: composition, size, group norms and cohesiveness define differences in crucial elements that influence the groups’ effectiveness and ability to achieve organizational goals. The composition of the members itself indicate diversity in ages (Dalicaster about to retire, Sangrina newly graduate), status, interests, and personal goals. Concurrently, there is the issue of cohesiveness where it is eminent that members do not want to stay together (as James Cockingham expressed that he would rather be back in this previous regiment) and there is a lack of interest for interaction and interpersonal relationships (Cockingham does not interact with other members of the sub-section; Nordheimer is not a warm or approachable person and openly dislikes Cookster or Cockingham; Sangrina is reluctant to ask for help; and Delicaster not trained for the position). All of these factors validate the sub-section’s ineffectiveness as a group. Decision-making To address the need to select a decision-making approach and to provide an explanation how one could use it to identify possible problems and potential solutions for this sub-section’s ineffectiveness, one proposes the military approach where both rational and behavioral approaches (Lesson 1, 7). The scenario indicates that in the capacity of a Section Head, one has been governing operations of the section in a span of only one month, therefore it would be more viable to use the military approach to use the five-model under rational decision approach, in conjunction with behavioral approach, using the information on observation noted in the scenario. The group decision making process where the sub-section supervisor, Delicaster would meet with the group to discuss group problems and to solicit feedback and participation

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Types of Abortion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Types of Abortion - Research Paper Example Miscarriages happen when the person has some health issue or gets into a situation that may shock her body physically (Walter, 2011). There is also the type of abortion induced at will. This is the most common form with the term abortion. With these types of abortion, there are the safe ones carried out in medical institutions and there are the unsafe ones carried out that often bring in various complications and in the worst cases death. There are very many legal and ethical issues involved with the issue of abortion and it is important to review all of them to familiarize. Types and Issues in Abortion Many of the abortions over the years have been due to unwanted pregnancies. Many of the people that get pregnant unwillingly are overcome by guilt to a point where they cannot handle bearing a child. There is also the factor that they may not be old enough to handle the responsibility of having a child. This mostly happens in underage teenagers who do not observe ethics upheld by soci ety and engage in unprotected sex. However, for the abortions carried out clinically, various issues lead to their effectiveness (Stotland, 2010). One of the major reasons as to why a doctor may advice for the carrying out of an abortion is a condition at which the mother is at a risk of health if she continues bearing the fetus in the womb. As stated, there is also the spontaneous type of abortion. This is where the mother loses the pregnancy due to physical and health issues unwillingly. When the embryo bursts earlier than expected, a miscarriage may occur or a premature birth. It all depends with the health condition of the embryo around that time. When a miscarriage happens, it has many implications on the mother. This is because the mother had expected the child to be born in a healthy matter only to lose it (Stotland, 2008). One of the ways through which the mother may be affected by this form of abortion is emotionally. In this state, the mother may get stress because of over -thinking the issue and to an extended state may get depressed. This may also affect the mother physically. This is because the mother may suffer several wounds from the manner in which the blood from the miscarriage flowed from her body. These wound may be external which are easily treated. However, the situation may be as bad as to the injuries being internal and thus the patient may require surgery. One of the issues to observe when dealing with the issue of abortion is the safety observed when carrying out of the procedure. There is both the safe and unsafe ways of carrying out abortion. For the save ones, licensed practitioners carry out the procedure. However, for unsafe abortions, the process often tends to carried out by unskilled practitioners or even fraud doctors. Unsafe abortions cater for one of the highest number of deaths in women around the world. The World Health Organization has been a very effective ambassador for the end of ill-advised abortions all over the worl d (Potts, 2010). This is witnessed from the efforts that it has made in advertisements at hospitals and other social places that show the dangers of abortion. Developing countries are worst hit by the issue as research shows that 97% of the abortions happen in these countries. Different Sides on Abortion Abortion being one of the greatest and pressing issues in society has lead to a great number of debates unto whether or not it is necessary. The different sides of the matter are viewed from a social, legal and medical manner. The first groups of people are the people that lie on the acceptance side. These are the people that do not view abortion as a poor process. The number of people with this

Advance Directives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Advance Directives - Essay Example End-of-life wishes are not common among many people. This is because individuals allow life to take its natural course. In the process, aggressive care is provided until life is lost, whether or not the illness is terminal. Moreover, many people fail to draft a living will citing ethical concerns in the society. For others, executing advance directives is deemed to conflict with the essence of medicine. As a result, majority of people shun advance directives. In order to complete an advance directive, it is important for people to know what it takes or entails to make an end-of-life decision (Understanding Advance Directives). More people will complete advance directives following a vibrant awareness creation. Without awareness, people will continue to shun advance directives. On the same note, understanding the complexities surrounding a terminal illness is critical. Costs keep accumulating as the patient nears death every day that passes. It is, therefore, important for people to understand the ethics, rights, and benefits associated with end-of-life

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Dell Inc. in 2006 Competitive Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dell Inc. in 2006 Competitive Strategy - Essay Example Michael Dell is one such leader, who always tries new approaches, as he has done in the case of Personal computers. â€Å"Michael Dell demonstrates the power of the leader whose authenticity and openness to learning pervades and motivates an entire company.† ( Another trait of Michael Dell, which is considered crucial to the success of Dell, is not resting on laurels, but moving on to do better things as quickly as possible. Michael Dell (2003 qtd in Business week) says: â€Å"Celebrate for a nanosecond. Then move on.† So, these are the few of the many leadership traits of Michael Dell, which is contributing to the growing success of Dell Inc. and makes it one of the top manufacturers of PC’s and Servers. Strength: Dell through Direct Channel Method is able to offer the customers, customized and richly configured systems at competitive prices. It also introduces new technologies quite quickly, than its competitors Opportunities: It has opportunities to develop technologically and geographically. That is, as its suppliers improve their technologies, Dell can also provide technologically improved products. Then with many developing countries becoming computer savvy; Dell can reach their markets So, SWOT analysis of Dell reveals that it has a lot of strengths and opportunities to maintain its market share and provide quality innovative products at competitive prices. But, at the same time, it has weaknesses and threats, which can affect its production and also could damage its brand image. Porter’s Value Chain encapsulates the integration of value to the products from the extraction or usage of raw materials to the sale of the finished product to the ultimate customer, whilst taking into account organizational, technological and human factors. In the case of Dell, the inbound logistics is the various high tech computer related

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Can Terrorism be defeated by Military Means Only Essay

Can Terrorism be defeated by Military Means Only - Essay Example Can Terrorism be defeated by Military Means Only? A few examples of better ideas are the promises of peaceful change, social reforms and economic equity. Terrorism is a form of â€Å"asymmetrical warfare† in military parlance. This terminology defines it as a type of warfare in which one of the combatants (the weaker) chooses when and where to engage and fight the other side (the stronger enemy). The term asymmetry derives from the unequal status in terms of strength of the combatants in which a lightly-equipped force attacks the much-stronger enemy by using unorthodox means of hitting its enemy through weak points. By necessity, terrorists use ideas to gain access into people's minds and hearts to win them over to their cause. Terrorism is the dominant form of conflict in most of today’s hot spots. Anti-terrorism experts are agreed on its layman’s definition which is an act or a series of acts designed to sow terror or extreme fear. Police investigative techniques and military solutions are good only for the sh ort term but not really effective for the long haul. Discussion The aim of terrorists is intimidate and threaten people so they will act in a certain manner that is favourable or desired by the terrorists. This is but a simple form of coercion backed by threats of violence. Just as the saying that history is written by victors of a war, terrorism can be viewed from different perspectives, depending on who is using terror to achieve its aims. Individuals, groups and even governments use terror to help them achieve their objectives. Terrorism does not make any distinctions on the persons using terror but focuses on the means of terror. It means marginal groups can be labelled as terrorists as well as existing governments which employ the same techniques and methods. Agents who killed British soldiers in Palestine before Israel was given its independence were terrorists by the above definition and so were the Spanish secret agents under a previous administration during 1982 to 1986. Th e Guardia Civil (Spanish police) had formed their own terrorist units called as the Grupo Antiterrorista de Liberacion or GAL (, n.d., p. 1) to counter threats posed by the growing ETA movement (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) of the Basque region which initially had targeted members of the police and military. As can be gleaned from this initial discussion, terrorism can be viewed from different perspectives and as such could also be justified depending on who is using terrorism as a tool. In other words, terrorism is not a sole domain of disaffected individuals and marginal groups but also of duly-elected governments which find it convenient to use terrorism as state policy. Most terrorists today belong to organisations which are basically stateless. This state of being stateless is one other characteristic of asymmetrical warfare and is what makes the terror groups quite difficult to hunt down and defeat. Their structure is not hierarchical but rather more of a network which has redundant functions performed by several terror cells. In aftermath of Osama bin Laden’s reported death, many ordinary people expected terrorism threats to vanish away but anti-terrorism experts believe otherwise because the motivation is still there within the organisation of al-Qaida. The goals and the willingness to use terror have not changed a bit and many affiliated terror cells can still strike any time (Clarke, 2011, p. 1). In the thinking of most military

Monday, September 23, 2019

Research Proposal- How Cheesecake Factory extend the overseas' market Proposal

- How Cheesecake Factory extend the overseas' market in China - Research Proposal Example This research proposal focuses on the process of business expansion adopted by American Bakery firm The Cheesecake Factory. The study will mainly reflect on the overseas activities of The Cheesecake Factory in China and the aspects related to the business expansion process. The Cheesecake Factory was established in the year 1975 by Oscar and Evelyn Overton. Initially, it began as a small shop in Detroit and was converted to a cheesecake supplier for the local restaurants (The Cheesecake Factory, 2014). Later on the business was shifted to Los Angles where the suppliers were the given the form of a restaurant 1978 by David Overton. This was the first Cheesecake Factory Restaurant. The initial strategy of The Cheesecake Factory Restaurants was to provide the customers with ultimate dining experience (The Cheesecake Factory, 2014). Presently The Cheesecake Factory is operating with more than 175 restaurants out of which 165 are being operated under its own brand, while 13 restaurants are being operated by Grand Lux Cafà © and one by The Rocksugar Pan (The Cheesecake Factory, 2014). The international expansion process of The Cheesecake Factory began in the 2011 as they expanded into the Middle East by partnering with M.H. Alshaya Co in Kuwait (The Cheesec ake Factory, 2014). This marked the beginning of a new business role for the firm as they started catering their services to the global consumers. In 2013, they extended to the Caribbean by opening a Cheesecake Factory Restaurant in Puerto Rico (The Cheesecake Factory, 2014). Recently, the company has started focusing on the Asian markets for enhancing the scope of growth and development of the firm. The aim of the research is to assess the process of business operations by The Cheesecake Factory in the Chinese market. The study will reflect the various factors that influence the process

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Age Discrimination in Employment Act Essay Example for Free

Age Discrimination in Employment Act Essay The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 prohibits employers from discriminating against employees, or job candidates, on the basis of age. This law covers workers who are 40 years of age and older. An employer must have at least 20 workers to be covered by this law. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act makes it unlawful for an employer to make employment-related decisions based on an employees or a prospective employees age. Here are several ways in which workers age 40 and above are covered: †¢An employer cant make hiring decisions based on an applicants age and he or she cant discriminate based on age when recruiting job candidates, advertising for a job or testing applicants. †¢An employer cant fire a worker because of his age. †¢An employer cant use age to classify, segregate or limit an employee if this will negatively affect the employees status or deprive him or her of opportunities. †¢An employer cant use age to determine an employees pay. †¢An employer cant deny benefits to an employee because of the employees age. In some circumstances, however, the employer may provide reduced benefits to older workers if the cost of providing those reduced benefits matches the cost of providing benefits to a younger worker. In other words, the cost of providing the benefits to older workers and younger workers must be the same. †¢An employee may take age into account when making an employment-related decision only if it is in regard to an authentic qualification necessary for the businesss operation. Age discrimination involves treating someone (an applicant or employee) less favorably because of his age. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) only forbids age discrimination against people who are age 40 or older. It does not protect workers under the age of 40, although some states do have laws that protect younger workers from age discrimination. It is not illegal for an employer or other covered entity to favor an older worker over a younger one, even if both workers are age 40 or older.Discrimination can occur when the victim and the person who inflicted the discrimination are both over 40. Age Discrimination Work Situations The law forbids discrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment. Age Discrimination Harassment It is unlawful to harass a person because of his or her age. Harassment can include, for example, offensive remarks about a persons age. Although the law doesnt prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that arent very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted). The harasser can be the victims supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer. Age Discrimination Employment Policies/Practices An employment policy or practice that applies to everyone, regardless of age, can be illegal if it has a negative impact on applicants or employees age 40 or older and is not based on a reasonable factor other than age (RFOA). The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) protects individuals who are 40 years of age or older from employment discrimination based on age. The ADEA’s protections apply to both employees and job applicants. Under the ADEA, it is unlawful to discriminate against a person because of his/her age with respect to any term, condition, or privilege of employment, including hiring, firing, promotion, layoff, compensation, benefits, job assignments, and training. The ADEA permits employers to favor older workers based on age even when doing so adversely affects a younger worker who is 40 or older. It is also unlawful to retaliate against an individual for opposing employment practices that discriminate based on age or for filing an age discrimination charge, testifying, or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or litigation under the ADEA. The ADEA applies to employers with 20 or more employees, including state and local governments. It also applies to employment agencies and labor organizations, as well as to the federal government. ADEA protections include: †¢Apprenticeship Programs It is generally unlawful for apprenticeship programs, including joint labor-management apprenticeship programs, to discriminate on the basis of an individual’s age. Age limitations in apprenticeship programs are valid only if they fall within certain specific exceptions under the ADEA or if the EEOC grants a specific exemption. †¢Job Notices and Advertisements The ADEA generally makes it unlawful to include age preferences, limitations, or specifications in job notices or advertisements. A job notice or advertisement may specify an age limit only in the rare circumstances where age is shown to be a â€Å"bona fide occupational qualification† (BFOQ) reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the business. †¢Pre-Employment Inquiries The ADEA does not specifically prohibit an employer from asking an applicant’s age or date of birth. However, because such inquiries may deter older workers from applying for employment or may otherwise indicate possible intent to discriminate based on age, requests for age information will be closely scrutinized to make sure that the inquiry was made for a lawful purpose, rather than for a purpose prohibited by the ADEA. If the information is needed for a lawful purpose, it can be obtained after the employee is hired. †¢Benefits The Older Workers Benefit Protection Act of 1990 (OWBPA) amended the ADEA to specifically prohibit employers from denying benefits to older employees. Congress recognized that the cost of providing certain benefits to older workers is greater than the cost of providing those same benefits to younger workers, and that those greater costs might create a disincentive to hire older workers. Therefore, in limited circumstances, an employer may be permitted to reduce benefits based on age, as long as the cost of providing the reduced benefits to older workers is no less than the cost of providing benefits to younger workers. Employers are permitted to coordinate retiree health benefit plans with eligibility for Medicare or a comparable state-sponsored health benefit. †¢Waivers of ADEA Rights An employer may ask an employee to waive his/her rights or claims under the ADEA. Such waivers are common in settling ADEA discrimination claims or in connection with exit incentive or other employment termination programs. However, the ADEA, as amended by OWBPA, sets out specific minimum standards that must be met in order for a waiver to be considered knowing and voluntary and, therefore, valid. Among other requirements, a valid ADEA waiver must: obe in writing and be understandable; ospecifically refer to ADEA rights or claims; onot waive rights or claims that may arise in the future; obe in exchange for valuable consideration in addition to anything of value to which the individual already is entitled; oadvise the individual in writing to consult an attorney before signing the waiver; and oprovide the individual at least 21 days to consider the agreement and at least seven days to revoke the agreement after signing it. If an employer requests an ADEA waiver in connection with an exit incentive or other employment termination program, the minimum requirements for a valid waiver are more extensive. See Understanding Waivers of Discrimination Claims in Employee Severance Agreements at

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Streams of living water

Streams of living water Gods various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in Gods Spirit. Gods various ministries are carried out everywhere; but they all originate in Gods Spirit. Gods various expressions of power are in action everywhere; but God himself is behind it all. Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits. All kinds of things are handed out by the Spirit, and to all kinds of people! The variety is wonderful: . . . .All these gifts have a common origin, but are handed out one by one by the one Spirit of God. He decides who gets what, and when. 1Cor 12:1-11 The world is fractured, splintered, separated by race, gender, social class, wealth and lack of wealth. The body of Christ is likewise fractured, splintered and separated by denominationalism, polity, and tradition. God, however, is a God of unity through diversity and God desires that each persons unique gifting be brought to the table and used for His Glory and the common good of the body. Contemplating this concept the childrens story Stone Soup comes to mind. The legend says that during a time of great famine people hoarded their food and would not share. One day a stranger came to the village and was turned away because no one desired to share their food. He assured them that he had all that he needed and indicated that he was going to make stone soup. He pulled out a pot added water, brought it to a boil and dropped in a huge stone. The people of the village began to gather. The Stranger said some cabbage with stone soup would be hard to beat. Soon a man appeared with a cabbage. Then the stranger said, I remember once having stone soup with cabbage a little salt beef. Then another villager appeared with the beef. And so on the stranger went with potatoes, onion, carrots, until indeed he had made a wonderful delicious stone soup. In many ways the Body of Christ is like the village folk, having gifts or food, hoarding it and not sharing, isolated, alone, and hungry; desiring more. The body of Christ, just like the villagers is driven by selfishness and self preservation, but, it is so limiting, restraining, restrictive, and yes, even divisive. God desires so much more for the Body of Christ. He desires that the body share communally, our gifts, our food, our faith and even our traditions. As the body shares it becomes the better for it. God desires that the body partake of and participate in Streams of Living Water. Richard Fosters does a consummate job of examining what he determined is the six major traditions of spirituality in Christianity: contemplative (prayer-filled life), holiness (virtuous life), charismatic (Spirit-empowered life), social justice (the compassionate life), evangelical (Word-centered life), and incarnational (sacramental life). Each tradition like tributaries that flows to the great Mississippi River represents a stream that should flow into and feed the Body of Christ. The Contemplative Tradition The first stream is the contemplative tradition which highlights the prayer-filled life, yearning for a richer, fuller practice of the presence of God(25). This tradition focuses on ones prayer life drawing one away in solitude. This time of solitude is a time that should precedes public ministry. Before Jesus began his public ministry, before he called the twelve, before he did any miracles he spent time in solitude. Exemplars include; Antony of Egypt, John the apostle, and Frank Laubach. Perhaps, the best summary of the contemplative life is the steady gaze of the soul upon the God of love (49). As one gazes upon God, one becomes beautiful of soul (48). Beautiful of soul is one of the best descriptors of the contemplative tradition. The process to become beautiful of soul is through fire and love which produces these fundamental characteristics or movement; love for God, peace, delight, emptiness, flaming passion, wisdom and transformation. Becoming beautiful of soul produces four strengths in ones Christian walk. The first strength is drawing one back to their first love, it continually calls one back to the beginning. Secondly it demands more than a cerebral ascent, intellectualism will not suffice, and it demands surrender of ones soul. Next it stresses the centrality of prayer with silence it brings the understanding that pray is both essential and primary. Finally, it produces solitariness a consistent ceaseless turning to God and finally aloneness with God. The Holiness Tradition The contemplative life forms the foundation for one to walk in the holiness tradition. This tradition stresses the virtuous life and focuses upon the inward re-formation of the heart and the development of holy habits . . . . the erosion of moral fiber in contemporary society (61). At the core of the holiness tradition is being response-able, able to respond appropriately to the demands of life (82). Holiness is sustained attention to the heart (83). This attention to the heart forms and transforms the personality. It also affirms the sacredness in everything, goodness in the human body. Additionally, holiness is progress in purity. . . .loving unity with God (84). Phenomenons of the Holiness tradition are Phoebe Palmer, James the brother of Jesus, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer as a modern-day example of this tradition gave the body of Christ Stations on the Road to Freedom (72). This poem provides four components of the spiritual life that will give one great freedom. Those components are discipline, action, suffering and death speak indicative of the Holiness Tradition. The Holiness Tradition is about a life that functions as it should. The major strength of this tradition is its emphases: personal transformation, purity of heart, character formation, and growth in grace. These emphases assist in the process of establishing holy habits. The Charismatic Tradition The Holiness Tradition and its holy habits helps the Charismatic Tradition to operate at its best when the two are in tandem. The charismatic tradition promotes the Spirit-empowered life, it focuses upon the empowering charisms or gifts of the Spirit and the nurturing fruit of the Spirit(99). The crux of the charismatic tradition is the fact that, a believer life is not lived under their own strength, but are empowered by the Holy Spirit. Its key representatives are Francis of Assisi, the apostle Paul, and William Seymour. Seymour as a contemporary representative is an insignia of this Tradition. Seymour embodied living his life under the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Seymour. . . .harnessed the power released in glossolalic worship to break racial, gender, and nationalistic barriers and offer the world a historic opportunity for genuine healing and reconciliation (113). According to Richard Foster, there are no noncharismatic Christian (125). There are four major strengths of the tradition. The first deals with and corrects the believers propensity to domesticate God (129). Secondly, it cuts to the chase weak, ineffective, powerless practices. Third it challenges the body to grow spiritually. Finally, it gives one a gifted, empowered life to witness for the Lord. The charismatic tradition is about a life immersed in, empowered by, and under the direction of the Spirit of God. Its important because through it we are empowered by God to do his work and to evidence his life upon this earth. The Social Justice Tradition As The Charismatic Traditions empowers the believer to do Gods work, The social Justice Tradition stresses the compassionate life that focuses upon justice and shalom in all human relationship and social structures and addresses the gospel imperative for equality and magnanimity among all peoples (137). The Social Justice Traditions embodies Matthew 22:37-40, the love of God and neighbor. This tradition removes barriers, of ethnicity, culture, and class. The Social Justice Tradition is where The Holiness Tradition is brought to bear. Foster chooses John Woolman, the prophet Amos, and Dorothy Day as examples of the Social Justice Movement. John Woolman, a Quaker, was instrumental in the abolition of slavery. Woolmans quest for social justice began early risking, personal wealth, comfort, and friendship. The effect of his message was lived out in his life and mirrored by his denomination. One of the most notable acts of social justice is personified by the North Carolina Friends Yearly Meeting became slave holders so that their members could disentangle themselves from the practice by donating the slaves to the Yearly Meeting. They used a loophole in the law of North Carolina to virtually free slaves who could not actually be free because of the numerous laws to protect the institution of slavery in the state. As an institution the Quakers freed itself from the horrors of slavery and supersede others by instituting reparation to its former slaves. As seen in the life of Woolman the struggle for social justice encroaches upon three areas; personal, social and institutional. The essence of this tradition is embodied in mishpat, hesed, and shalom (167). Justice, compassion, and peace, embody a sense of totality of the human existence. Justice, compassion, and peace are the framework that provides six strengths of the Social Justice traditions. Those strengths are right ordering of society, enhances ecclesiology, bridges personal and social ethics, makes Christian love relevant, provides a basis for ecological concerns, and holds before us the relevance of the impossible ideal (178) The Evangelical Tradition The Social Justice Tradition that allows one to manifest the love of God to hurting humanity presents that one with a unique opportunity to proclaim the word of God. Which segues into the Evangelical Tradition, which focuses on the word-centered life the proclamation of the evangel, the good news of the gospel and addressing the crying need for people to see the good news lived and hear the good news proclaimed (188). The primary thrusts of this tradition are: faithful proclamation of the Gospel, centrality of scripture, and confessional witness (219). The four major strengths of this movement is the call to conversion, discipleship of nations, commitment to biblical authority, and sound doctrine. Foster illustrators are Augustine of Hippo, the apostle Peter, and Billy Graham. Billy Graham is the consummate icon of the Evangelical tradition. Graham was the international organizer of Youth for Christ before emerging as a world evangelist. He preached over three hundred crusades. Graham brought integrity to the ministry of the itinerant evangelist via The Modesto Manifesto (212). Graham advocated cooperating ecumenically which is termed cooperative evangelism (213). Notably, Graham labored for the reconciliation of the races. Equally notable was his use of every form of media for the proclamation of the Gospel. According to Foster, Grahams greatest contribution to The Evangelical Tradition was the training of itinerant evangelist. The Incarnational Tradition The last tradition, the incarnational, stresses the sacramental life and focuses on making present and visible the realm of the invisible spirit, addressing the crying need to experience God as truly manifest and notoriously active in daily life (238) The Incarnational Tradition is practiced by invoking the manifest presence of God into the circumstances, establishing a sacredness of work, and a focus on family life. Its examples are Susanna Wesley, Jesus, Bezalel, and Dag Hammarskjold. Foster selected Susanna Wesley as the historical example because of her immersion in the details of daily life: finding God in the details and serving God through these same details (237). Susanna Wesley exemplified the Incarnational Tradition as mother and educator to nineteen children, most notably John and Charles Wesley. She demonstrated the tradition in the midst of the calamities of life in relationship to her husband, embarrassment of her daughter pregnancy, lost of home via fire, and lack because of her husbands lack financial management. Susanna Wesley in every way exemplifies the Incarnational Tradition. The Incarnational Tradition wrestles with the tension between spiritual and material. The tradition shows the complementary position of the spiritual to the material. There are seven strengths of this tradition. The first, the tradition shows that God is concerned and with the believer in the mundane of earthly living. Secondly, the incarnational tradition delivers the reader from a spirituality that would allow or cause one to divorce from the conundrum of daily living. Third, being incarnational makes daily work meaningful. Fourth, the tradition corrects the Gnostic belief that spiritual thing are wholly good and material things are wholly bad (266). Fifth, the sacramental life draws us God ward. Sixth, the believers becomes a portable sanctuary (267). Finally, the practice of the tradition deepens our stewardship of the earth. THE CONCLUSION The body of Christ is and should be the antithesis of the world. The world is splintered, separated, and divisive. However the body of Christ is called to unity, wholeness. Presently each of the great traditions operates independently, separately, and individually, as though their traditions operate in the totality of Christ. Foster introduces Streams of Living Water by saying the mighty flow of the Spirit is how sovereignly God is bringing together streams of life that have been isolated from one another for a very long time(xv). Foster suggests that each of the streams is the response to or a correction of a teaching or experience that has been neglected. Thus we have the various streams. Paul tells the Church at Ephesus that each individual is not an island unto himself, but that in community they would grow to maturity. Ephesians 4: 26 expresses this concept superbly: For because of Him the whole body (the church, in all its various parts), closely joined and firmly knit together by the joints and ligaments with which it is supplied, when each part [with power adapted to its need] is working properly [in all its functions], grows to full maturity, building itself up in love.(Amp) Just as Paul told the Church at Ephesus they were not islands unto themselves. Foster tells the body of Christ that the Traditions are not islands unto themselves. Foster introduces Streams of Living Water by saying the mighty flow of the Spirit is how sovereignly God is bringing together streams of life that have been isolated from one another for a very long time(xv). Foster suggests that each of the streams is the response to or a correction of a teaching or experience that has been neglected. Thus we have the various streams. However, just as the lakes turn in to tributaries, that run into rivers, that eventually run into the sea. So does the Tradition trace it way back to the three major branches of Christianity; Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, and Eastern Orthodoxy. The three major branches of Christianity finds its way back through Papal Ascendency, Ecumenical Councils, and the Birth of the Church to its fountain head, Jesus Christ. Each of the traditions is a stream that finds its life and meaning in Jesus Christ. However like the villagers in the childrens story Stone Soup each traditions live isolated, insolated, and anemic lives, because it refuses to flow in the fellowship of the spirit and allow each joint to supply. Each stream represents an aspect of the nature of Christ and the call of his body to be in the world while not of it. Every stream is traceable to its source, Jesus Christ the Righteous. Each stream has a contribution that is needed to make the satisfying, edifying Stone Soup of the Body Christ.