Sunday, December 29, 2019

Nuclear Fusion And Nuclear Energy Essay - 1638 Words

Introduction:  ¬Nuclear energy is energy in the nucleus (core) of an atom. Atoms are tiny particles that make up every object in the universe. There is enormous energy in the bonds that hold atoms together. Nuclear energy can be used to make electricity. But first the energy must be released. It can be released from atoms in two ways: nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. In nuclear fusion, energy is released when atoms are combined or fused together to form a larger atom. This is how the sun produces energy. In nuclear fission, atoms are split apart to form smaller atoms, releasing energy. Nuclear power plants use nuclear fission to produce electricity. Nuclear reactions involve changes in an atom’s nucleus and thus causes a change in the atom itself. Unlike normal chemical reactions that form molecules, nuclear reactions result in the transmutation of one element into a different isotope or a different element altogether. There are two types of nuclear reactions. The first is the radioactive decay of bonds within the nucleus that emit radiation as it decays or transforms to a more stable state. The second is the â€Å"billiard ball† type of reactions, where the nucleus or a nuclear particle (like a proton) is slammed into by another nucleus or nuclear particle. Nuclear damage is explained as any injury to or the death, sickness or disease of a person; or damage to the environment including loss of property which arises from ionising radiation associated with a nuclearShow MoreRelatedNuclear Fusion As An Alternative Energy1937 Words   |  8 PagesNuclear Fusion as an Alternative Energy Introduction Nowadays, electricity plays a huge role in many lives. We may not be able to touch electricity, but it touches our lives every day. From the time waking up in the morning until going to the bed at night, the daily life is dependent on electricity. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The City Of Glass By Tara Brach - 1041 Words

â€Å"There is so much division in this world. So what is really the path of healing? It can begin in this moment, by embracing the life that’s here,† Tara Brach. In the book The City of Glass, the movie Divergent, and in today s society, people are told that they do not fit into a group and are forced to life on the outside. The City of Glass shows the main dystopian element of division of people into groups or castes. When Clary travels to Idris, the home of Shadowhunters, she quickly sees the separation. Luke, Clary’s step-father who is a Downworlder, gives her a traditional Shadowhunter coat, â€Å"You know how they treat outsiders. Anything you can do to fit in†(10). Luke speaks from experience. He was once a Shadowhunter before he became a Downworlder. Now he is frowned upon in the city, and does not want the same for Clary. One character who supports dividing people into castes or groups is Valentine. He is Clary’s real father and is threatening Shadowhunters with war. When the Shadowhunters need help Luke suggests for them to team up with the Downworlders and put them on the Council, which is their form of government. â€Å"Without the promise of seats on the Council, my people won’t fight. They don’t have to love it. They just have to like it better than they l ike the idea of suicide†(340). Downworlders have never been part of the Shadowhunters community, let alone their government. They have to put aside their differences in order to defend themselves, and fight a common enemy.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Rhododendron (625 words) Essay Example For Students

Rhododendron (625 words) Essay RhododendronTheplant rhododendron belongs to the family Ericaceae which also includes theHeath, and there are about eight-hundred fifty species which grow worldwide(Turner and Szczawinski, 171-2). The Heath family is a large one with so manyspecies, all of the poisonous species fall into two of its subfamilies, one ofwhich is the rhododendron. These cultivated plants occur naturally in temperateregions of the northern hemisphere and in the mountains of Southeast Asia. Theyare located in the Himalayas with seven-hundred species, southwest China, Burma,and in New Guinea with over three-hundred species (Turner and szczawinski, 172). It has been popular as ornaments in gardens and has led to a major horticulturalindustry with its widely uses in landscaping. There are twenty-seven speciesnative to North America, (Turner,172) and is the state plant of Washington. Thisspecific plant is called R. macrophyllum or the Pacific rhododendron (Pojar andMackinnon, 61). It forms a shrub layer in forests ranging from shoreline pinegroves to stands of Douglas-fir and western Hemlock up in the mountains. Usuallythey are located everywhere from homes to freeway sides and also in the forests. The rhododendron shows a great variety in size, habit, and flower color, colorsfrom white to pink, dark-purple, yellow, red, and orange (McKenzi,1). They rangefrom small shrubs to small trees with evergreen leaves that are leathery. Theleaves are short stalked, simple, and alternate, and the flowers are large,bell-shaped, and born in dense clusters. They are best grown on acidous soilwith a ph of 4.5 and 6.5, included with lots of moisture and organic material(McKenzie, 3). The leaves, flowers, pollen, and nectar of many rhododendronspecies contain several toxins (Kingsbury, 50). These toxins are calledgrayanotoxins or andromedotoxin, a resinoid carbohydrate (Kingsbury, 51). It isprevalent in the flower nectar, and has caused poisoning of bees and the honeyproduced. The symptoms are similar to both humans and all animals. The humancases are that in which children chew the leaves and get the poison in theirsystem, or when people drink tea made from the honey and plant (Abrahams, 2). I thas been reported that animals clip the leaves for boredom or when they gethungry, as food is short (U.S food and drug admin., 3). The rhododendron is abeautiful plant which lies outside homes for decorations. People should becomemore aware of its toxicity and should take precautions when handling them. Grayanotoxin The plant rhododendron contains several toxins called grayanotoxins. Other well known but former names are rhodotoxin, andromedotoxin, andacetylandrome (U.S. food and drug admin., 1). They are included in almost all ofthe species rhododendron. The name of the disease is honey intoxication, whichis caused by the consumption of honey produced (Abrahams 1). The grayanotoxinscause this intoxication, and the specific toxins vary with the plant species. Other names associated with this disease is rhododendron poisoning, mad honeintoxication or grayanotoxin poisoning. (U.S food and drug admin., 1) Thepoisoning results from the ingestion of grayanotoxin contaminated honey. Theother ways that it can get into your system is if you consume plant parts. Everypart of the plant is poisonous, the flowers, nectar, honey, and especially theleaves, which contain more. In humans, symptoms of poisoning occur six hoursafter a dose. These symptoms include salivation, vomiting, very low bloodpressure, loss of coordination, muscular weakness, slow and irregular heartbeat,and comas, followed by death in extreme cases. (U.S. FDA,2) All organisms suchas animals and humans are affected in the same way. The treatments are to inducevomiting, or perform gastric lavage, replace fluids and maintain electrolytebalance, monitor heart beat, blood pressure and breathing. Even though the casesreported have been rare, people still should become aware of this toxin. Housepets eat the plants, children do also, so they should be taught to stay awayfrom these plants.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Article Analysis for Organizational and Citizenship Behavior

Question: Discuss about theArticle Analysis for Organizational and Citizenship Behavior. Answer: Article: Are committed employees more likely to exhibit innovative behaviour: a social exchange perspective. This paper looks at organizational aspects and workplace relations, which can be, used in developing commitment and enabling a setting that enhances the innovative behavior of nurses who are working within the Australian health care system. It also provides an insight into the link between different factors and their influence on enabling employees to have organizational commitment and innovative behavior (Brunetto Xerri 2013). The Australian healthcare system is being affected by a shortage of nurses. Nurses are leaving the profession due to different issues and there is a problem of retention across a number of Australian hospitals. Many wards in the public and private healthcare institutions are being forced into closure due to the shortage of nurses. It is therefore in the best interest of healthcare organizations to delve into the issues that affect nurses such that they cannot maintain their commitment. When effective relationships in the work place are made, the organization gets a number of benefits as successful relations amongst staff at different levels in the organization results in sharing of information and trust hence making employees feel empowered and they also embrace accountability (Brunetto Xerri 2013).This enables them to perform their roles in an efficient and effective manner. The paper hypothesizes as follows: There is a relationship between organizational factors on work related outcomes and innovative behavior of nurses working within Australian healthcare. There are similarities in behaviour in relation to organizational factors and outcomes that are work related for public and private sector nurses in Australia. The authors provide an insight into how hospitals are able to enhance efficiency of nurses. They conclude that relationships which are social can be used to improve the innovative actions of nurses. Hospitals must therefore ensure that nurses are attached emotionally to healthcare institutions and that they have enough social relationships in the workplace that will enable them to get knowledge, information and resources that will support the innovative process (Brunetto Xerri 2013). References Brunetto, Y. and Xerri, M.J, 2013. Fostering innovative behaviour: The importance of employee commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,24(16), pp.3163-3177.