Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Should people ban testing on animals based upon people unethical Essay

Should people ban testing on animals based upon people unethical research of animal - Essay Example Since decades, animals are used for the purpose of testing in order to accomplish the objectives of experiments. Scientifically, animal testing is termed to be beneficial for many inventions, but it is also not without certain ethical issues related with animal rights. The practice of animal testing has its long story, which can be found rooted since when the ancient Greek people used animal for their experiments and in many rituals to gain beauty and good health. While then the human society had limited concern about the living rights of animals, modern day philosophers and activists have been into debates as to whether animal testing should be banned with due consideration to its positive contributions towards the development of the society (PRISM, â€Å"The Connection between Animal Testing, the Environment, and Human Health†). Emphasizing this context, the objective of the paper is to argue regarding the negatives and positives associated with animal testing in order to take a stand in opposition of banning animal testing. Hence, the thesis of the paper will aim to support animal testing for innovation and for the development of medical research emphasizing its positive effects and critically assessing the negatives associated with the same. Arguments in contradiction to animal testing have long been encouraged by activists and philosophists in the society. However, it cannot be ignored that there are some fields where the experiments upon animal are mandatory in nature for the overall enhancement of the society and also for new inventions. Illustratively, the biomedical field is such an example wherein animal testing is mandatory for the research to be a success. It is evident, that scientists in the present day, with the help of advance technology, are inventing new options in the area of medical research to support the human life system. For instance, researchers, through animal

Monday, February 10, 2020

Deficit Spending Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Deficit Spending - Essay Example Deficit financing has many advantages that benefit the economy in times of economic trouble but it has many disadvantages and overemphasis on it may turn hazardous for the economy. In a modern economy, budget deficit often evolve due to some common reasons like increase in government expenditure, fall in aggregate income level, inefficiency in the tax collection mechanism, subsidies granted by government in diverse sectors of the economy and so on. All these results in diminished pool of the state exchequer causing budget deficit wherein the mechanism of budget deficit by the government make its intervention coming with its own set of advantages. As discussed earlier, with two major tools like borrowing and printing new currency, the economy experiences development in infrastructure with capital infusion which in turn propels productivity boom in essential sectors like education, medicine and real estate to name a few. Money supply within the economy increases that as a spillover effect increase price level (although inflation acts as a predicament) of the economy that fetches gains to the producers in the supply side luring investments. One of the major advan tages of deficit financing is that it increases the aggregate demand within the economy increasing employment opportunities, income and thus more investments (Hajela, 2010, p. 348). After analyzing the advantages of deficit financing, it can be stated that there are some disadvantages of it as well. Inflation is one of the most prominent disadvantage or evil effects of deficit financing. If deficit financing cannot be controlled in a proper manner then inflationary pressure will increase. As for instance, in case of production owing to excess capacity deficiency, discrepancies between demand and supply of goods within the market and shortage of complementary factors coupled with increase in money supply accelerates inflationary pressure. Apart from that some